Jun 26, 2024  
2019-2020 University Catalog 
2019-2020 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



English Literature

  • ENG 210 - Myth, Fantasy, and the Imagination

    Prerequisites: WTNG 102 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration
    Students begin by identifying archetypes, including the heroic ideal, found in folk tales and fairy tales from around the world. Students investigate how and why many of the same universal concerns inform and are interpreted by the famous epic narratives the ancients called “Wisdom Literature;” the Iliad and the Odyssey; and classical mythology. The other readings may include Tolkien’s The Hobbit or portions of The Lord of the Rings, the ancient Mesopotamian The Epic of Gilgamesh, or Virgil’s Aeneid.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • ENG 220 - Literary Analysis

    Prerequisites: ENG 100  (or CW 210  and CW 220 ) and enrollment in or completion of a 200-level WTNG course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration
    Literary competence includes an understanding of the conventions that govern professional literary criticism, lifelong habits of analysis, judgment, and the development of critical acumen (i.e., an understanding of genre, an awareness of literary history as a context, an understanding of critical theory and the interpretation of literature in concept and in practice, and the development of advanced research skills). To develop these competencies, this course practices close reading across a range of critical theories, including Feminism, Deconstructionism, Post Colonialism, Marxism, Lesbian, Gay and Queer Theory, African American Criticism and Cultural Studies. Students will also discuss the impact of cultural diversity (e.g., race, class, and gender) on literary criticism while developing an understanding of the way that literary texts both reflect and project cultural ideologies. The final paper in this course will model the processes and standards used in Senior Thesis I & II.

    3 credits
  • ENG 240 - Early American Literature: Pre-Columbus Through the Civil War

    Prerequisites: WTNG 102 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration
    This survey course begins with Native American literary expressions and concludes with the literature of the Civil War. The course covers exploration narratives of the 15th and 16th centuries, American colonial writing, the literature of the new American republic, and the literary efforts of the 19th century romantics. The course concludes with abolitionist writing and the literature of the Civil War. The reading list includes Christopher Columbus, Anne Bradstreet, Mary Rowlandson, Benjamin Franklin, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Frederick Douglass, and What Whitman.

    3 credits
  • ENG 260 - American Realism, Naturalism and Modernism

    Prerequisites: WTNG 102 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration
    This survey course begins with the American realists and naturalists of the post-Civil War era and continues through 1950. The course includes writers of the Lost Generation, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Southern Literary Renaissance. Authors covered include: Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Henry James, Kate Chopin, Stephen Crane, Robert Frost, Ernest Hemingway, Richard Wright, and William Faulkner.

    3 credits
  • ENG 270 - British Literature I: From Beowulf to Gothic Literature

    Prerequisites: WTNG 102 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration
    This course surveys British literature from Beowulf to the late 18th century. It provides a sense of literary history, as well as an understanding of socio-cultural ideologies (e.g., religion, gender, class, human relationships) and historical events that are both reflected and projected by texts read within canonical “periods” (e.g., the world of Old English, Restoration Drama, the Enlightenment, and the Gothic.) It covers a variety of genres, but (for obvious reasons) the focus is weighted toward poetry. This course requires a heavy reading load in both primary texts and cultural backgrounds. Authors will include the Beowulf poet, Chaucer, Sidney, Donne, Milton, Pope, Johnson, selected Romantic poets, and a Gothic novelist.

    3 credits
  • ENG 290 - British Literature II: From Romanticism to Modernism

    Prerequisites: WTNG 102 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration
    This course surveys “British” literature from the late 18th century to WWII. It provides a sense of literary history, as well as an understanding of socio-cultural ideologies and historical events that these texts both reflect and project (e.g., an increasingly commercialized literary marketplace, urbanization, the competing ideologies of gender equality and separate spheres, Darwinian science, British imperialism, and the emergence of the post-colonial consciousness). Students gain an overview of the various canonical “periods” and movements that shape the study of British literature (e.g., the rise of the novel, Victorian, and Modern literature). This course carries a heavy reading load in both primary texts and cultural backgrounds. Authors include Goldsmith, Austen, Gaskell, both Eliots, Joyce, Woolf, and Wilde.

    3 credits
  • ENG 299 - Special Topics in English Literature

    Prerequisites: Enrollment in or successful completion of WTNG 102  (C- or higher)
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration.
    In this course, students explore special literary topics in seminar fashion. Although the course focuses on primary texts, students are exposed to literary criticism by reading critical articles and composing annotated bibliographies. Topics may include Shakespeare Recycled, the Detective Novel, the Romance Novel, Sports and Literature, and Non-Western Classics This is a variable topics course. The course, but not the topic, may be repeated for credit.

    3 credits
  • ENG 300 - British Literature III: The Post War Novel

    Prerequisites: ENG 100  (or CW 210  and CW 220 ) and 200 or 300 level WTNG course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration
    This course considers the late 20th-century/early 21st-century British novel and examines closely a number of key issues that shaped, as well as continue to affect, postwar British literature and culture, such as the movement from empire to post-colonialism; the “new internationalism” in British literature; and the role of the most prestigious literary award in Britain, the Man Booker Prize. In reading comparatively a number of 20th- and 21st-century “British” novels, we will also pay particular attention to the continuously shifting dynamics between the notions of “British,” “English,” “international,” and “global/world” as reflected in the stories told, the ways in which they are told, and in the different works’ fate in the literary marketplace.

    3 credits
  • ENG 301 - Contemporary American Literature

    Prerequisites: ENG 100  (or CW 210  and CW 220 ) and 200 or 300 level WTNG course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration
    Examines American fiction, poetry, drama, and creative nonfiction of the last half of the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries. This course devotes considerable attention to the literary contributions of contemporary women, African Americans, Native Americans, and other groups outside the American literary mainstream.

    3 credits
  • ENG 320 - Studies in Global Literatures

    Prerequisites: ENG 100  (or CW 210  and CW 220 ) and 200 or 300 level WTNG course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration
    This course introduces students to a non-Anglophone literary tradition via texts in translation from one or more of the global literatures listed below. The course develops student awareness of the diversity as well as the commonality at the heart of all stories and peoples, expands an understanding of our place in the global community and literary tradition, and deepens appreciation for a text’s ability to both reflect and project culture. Possible topics include literatures of: Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Canada, The Caribbean, Eastern and Western Europe, The South Pacific, Latin America. This is a variable topics course. The course, but not the topic, may be repeated for credit.

    3 credits
    Alternate Years
  • ENG 350 - Shakespeare

    Prerequisites: ENG 100  (or CW 210  and CW 220 ) and 200 or 300 level WTNG course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the English Literature Core Concentration
    This course is not for passive readers. Shakespeare wrote for the stage, for live performance. Each week, while students concentrate on reading closely the playwright’s written word, they also transform their classroom into his stage, collectively bringing his words to life. But Shakespeare’s art, catholic in nature and scope, is also a historic reservoir, providing students a rich opportunity to explore the social, political, religious, scientific, and historical conditions that underpin his works. Students investigate Renaissance England’s daily life-from bearbaiting to feasting to sumptuary laws-and its political machinations and religious teachings–from rancorous kings and “tavern diplomacy” to man’s new relationship with God.

    3 credits
  • ENG 351 - Shakespeare on Film

    Prerequisites: ENG 100  (or CW 210  and CW 220 ) and 200 or 300 level WTNG course. This course may not substitute for ENG 350 
    This course focuses on film adaptations of William Shakespeare’s plays that “translate” the dramas into cinematic language. Because this is a Shakespeare course, students read a selection of plays, study their language and structures, and discuss them as dramatic literature. Because this is a film course, students study Shakespeare filmic adaptations from different historical periods and cultures in terms of camera technique, directorial choices, film history, and the times and places in which they were produced. Students read a history play, a comedy, one or two tragedies, and a romance and then study the filmic interpretations of those works by some of the most famous (and not so famous) directors (e.g., Zeffirelli, Wells, Kurosawa, Luhrmann, Branagh). This intertextual study helps students to appreciate the richness of Shakespeare’s texts and how they present multiple possibilities to those who interpret them.

    3 credits
  • ENG 360 - Studies in Ethnic American Literature

    Prerequisites: ENG 100  (or CW 210  and CW 220 ) and 200 or 300 level WTNG course
    Focuses on the literary contributions of racial and ethnic groups within American culture. Possible topics may include the literatures of: African Americans, Asian Americans, Jewish Americans, Latino Americans, Middle Eastern Americans, Native Americans. This is a variable topics course. The course, but not the topic, may be repeated for credit.

    3 credits
    Alternate Years
  • ENG 430 - Special Topics in Literature: Themes, Authors, Works

    Prerequisites: ENG 100  (or CW 210  and CW 220 ) and 200 or 300 level WTNG course
    In these upper-level seminars, students engage fully in discussions and presentations. Offerings address one or more of the following emphases: studies in genre, period, theme, author, or single work. Topics include but are not limited to the following: American literature of the 1960s; The American Legend; Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales; Contemporary American Women Writers; The Bible and Literature; Edwardian Fiction: Fact and Fiction; Truman Capote’s Work; George Eliot and the Brontes; James Joyce’s Ulysses; Literature of the Civil War; the Medieval Romance; Literary Film Adaptations; The Southern American Renaissance; and J.R.R. Tolkien. This is a variable topics course. The course, but not the topic, may be repeated for credit.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • ENG 470 - Advanced Literary Theory

    Prerequisites: ENG 220  and 200 or 300 level WTNG course
    Students read seminal texts of literary theory from Plato to Donna J. Harroway. The first part of the course focuses on classical texts of literary theory. Authors are likely to include Plato, Aristotle, Horace, and Sir Phillip Sidney and Hume. The second part of the course focuses on contemporary theorists, such as Marx, Althusser, Said, Spivak, Bhabha, Derrida, Bourdieu, and Harroway. Students produce a professional quality final paper working directly with one or more theorists.

    3 credits
    Alternate Spring
  • ENG 480 - Senior Thesis I

    Prerequisites: ENG 220 , a 200 level WTNG course, and senior standing or consent of instructor
    This course, but not the topic may be repeated for required or elective credit. In order to count for the senior thesis requirement for English Literature majors, the topic in this course must match the topic in ENG 481. This course is essentially a reading seminar: the first semester of the English majors’ capstone course sequence emphasizes applications of literary theory through intensive analysis of primary works, research into pertinent criticism, and the delivery of a substantial oral presentation. Students’ course work culminates in a formal thesis proposal with an extended bibliography.  This course, but not the topic, may be repeated for either required or elective credit.

    3 credits
  • ENG 481 - Senior Thesis II

    Prerequisites: Successful completion (C or higher) of ENG 480  
    In the second semester of the Senior Seminar, each student writes a substantial thesis of publishable quality based upon readings explored in ENG 480 . Primarily a writing seminar, students meet individually with the professor each week to advance the draft through the writing process. Students present abstracts of their final papers at a public colloquium.

    3 credits

Environmental Science

  • NATSC 103 - Earth Systems Science and Lab

    Prerequisites: None
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration
    One of the foundation courses in Environmental Science, Earth Systems, focuses on the physical processes that shape Earth’s surfaces. Topics vary from the basics for rocks and minerals, to streams, groundwater and desert landforms. Students will learn to read and interpret topographic and geologic maps. The laboratory component is project orientated with students completing multiweek investigations culminating in a self-designed research project.

    4 credits
  • NATSC 105 - Earth and Physical Science for Elementary Education and Lab

    Prerequisites: None
    This course is designed as a foundation in the Earth and physical sciences for future elementary school teachers. The goal of this course is for future teachers to gain a better understanding of major principles and processes so that they will be more comfortable with and proficient in teaching physical and Earth science in the elementary classroom. As such, this course focuses on science content and not science pedagogy. Topics include the following: matter and motion, light and sound, the solar system and basic astronomy, the solid Earth including Plate Tectonic Theory, and the fluid Earth’s atmospheres and oceans. The laboratory reinforces the concepts of the class and provides students with a hands-on, inquiry-based introduction to the process of science.

    4 credits
  • NATSC 203 - Humans, Environmental Change and Sustainability

    Prerequisites: BIO 104 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration
    This course examines the effects of human populations and sociocultural variables on contemporary environmental changes at global and local scales with an emphasis on the sustainable use and management of natural resources and ecosystem services. Topics covered include human demographics, land use and land cover change, energy generation and use, agricultural production, biodiversity loss, water management, pollution and global climate change. These topics will be discussed in an interdisciplinary context to emphasize interrelationships among the economic, political, philosophical and ecological dimensions of environmental change and the sustainability of human populations and ecosystems.

    3 credits
  • NATSC 204 - Principles of Oceanography

    Prerequisites: None
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Marine Biology Core Concentration
    This course provides an introduction to the four interrelated disciplines (biology, chemistry, geology and physics) that make up the science of oceanography. Through this course, students come to understand the complex characteristics and dynamic processes of the world’s ocean.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • NATSC 226 - Forensic Science and Lab

    Prerequisites: Enrollment in Biology, Criminal Justice or Legal Studies major; or consent of instructor
    Investigates the relationship of the crime laboratory to the criminal justice system. Students learn the services provided by a crime lab; the scientific and legal constraints placed upon criminalists; the theory and practice of collecting, preserving, and analyzing of physical evidence. Laboratory experiences include analysis of microscopic evidence; identification and individualization of physical and chemical objects; development of latent fingerprints; rolling and classification of fingerprints; some instrumental analysis; and thin layer and paper chromatography.

    4 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • NATSC 232 - Scientific Research Diving

    Prerequisites: Basic Open Water Diving Certification
    Note: This certification can be obtained at any dive shop (e.g. East Bay Dive Center) or through courses offered by the Roger Williams Scuba club. Students can register during normal registration in the Spring and the requisite just needs to be met before class begins in the Fall.

    Dive Accident Insurance - suggest DAN Insurance

    AAUS scientific diving medical examination/physical - The form to fulfill this requirement will be supplied to
    the students upon registration and they just need to bring it to their primary care doctor or an urgent care
    center to have it filled out and signed. Students can register during normal registration in the Spring and the
    requisite just needs to be met before class begins in the Fall.
    The research diving course is a field-based course that gives students the training and knowledge for conducting research underwater. The course will cover popular methodologies used underwater as well as advanced training techniques. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have acquired the scientific diving qualification to 30 feet per the American Academy of Underwater Sciences standards.


    4 credits

  • NATSC 301 - Marine Resource Management

    Prerequisites: NATSC 103  or NATSC 204 ; or consent of instructor
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration Fulfills a Marine Biology elective in the Applied category
    Concepts and methods for the allocation, management and utilization of marine resources. Emphasis will be placed on biological, chemical, and geological resources in coastal and near-shore water of New England.

    3 credits
    Alternate Fall
  • NATSC 305 - Marine Geology

    Prerequisites: NATSC 103  or NATSC 204 ; or consent of instructor.
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration
    An introduction to geology and marine geology emphasizing our current understanding of plate tectonics and the importance of paleoceanography in the study of global climate change.

    3 credits
    Alternate Fall
  • NATSC 310 - Biogeochemical Cycling

    Prerequisites: NATSC 103 , NATSC 204 , CHEM 192 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration
    Biogeochemical cycling combines the disciplines of biology, geology and chemistry to investigate the movement of important elements (such as Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous) through the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. The course begins with evidence for and discussion of the evolution of the early Earth, from initial differentiation to the rise of oxygenic photosynthesis. Topics include, rock weathering and the release of nutrients for the biosphere, the role of life beneath Earth’s surface, the nature of biogeochemical reservoirs (e.g. carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and oceans) and the mechanisms of exchange between those reservoirs.

    3 credits
    Alternate Spring
  • NATSC 315 - Meteorology and Climatology

    Prerequisites: NATSC 103 , NATSC 204  and MATH 136 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration
    An introduction to weather and climate. Meteorological topics include the structure and composition of the atmosphere, cloud formation, fronts and severe storms and the reading and interpretation of weather maps. Also discussed are climate patterns, such as El Nino, climate forcing mechanisms and the evolution of Earth’s climate on time scales up to several million years.

    3 credits
    Alternate Spring
  • NATSC 333 - Environmental Monitoring and Analysis and Lab

    Prerequisites: BIO 103  or, BIO 104  or NATSC 204  and MATH 124  or MATH 315  
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration
    Investigates how to measure and evaluate the health and function of an ecosystem. To this end, a series of lectures/discussions examine how to design, analyze and critique ecological experiments and sampling programs. These lectures are accompanied by studies in the laboratory and field where students will participate, hands-on, in designing, carrying out and analyzing real experiments and sampling programs.

    4 credits
    Alternate Fall
  • NATSC 375 - Soil Ecology and Lab

    Cross-Listed with: BIO 375 
    Prerequisites: BIO 104 , and one of BIO 240 , BIO 320  or BIO 360 ; or consent of instructor
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Biology Core Concentration Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration
    This course serves as an in-depth exploration of soils as unique habitats for life with a focus on understanding variables that affect the abundance, diversity and interactions of terrestrial organisms and, in turn, their influence on soli physicochemical properties, biochemical cycles and other variables that impact the well-being and sustainability of human societies (e.g. agricultural production, clean water availability) Topics to be covered include soil food webs, microbial ecology, soil aggregate formation, carbon and nitrogen cycling, relationships between soils and aboveground ecology, and the effects of human activities on soil biodiversity. During laboratory sessions, students will explore the basic biology of soil organisms, conduct research projects, and learn methods for sampling soils and soil organisms in the field.

    4 credits
    Alternate Fall
  • NATSC 401 - Environmental Toxicology and Lab

    Prerequisites: CHEM 301  and BIO 200  or BIO 390 ; or consent of instructor
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration
    Fundamentals and principles of toxicology including absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of toxic chemicals in mammalian systems. The course will investigate the molecular mechanisms, cellular targets, and biological consequences of exposure to toxic agents. It will also cover the molecular mechanisms, toxic action, risk assessment and regulatory procedures.

    4 credits
    Alternate Spring
  • NATSC 430 - Topics in Environmental Science

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration
    Advanced-level topics of importance in environmental science, determined by interest of the students in consultation with faculty. This course may be repeated for credit, but students may not study the same subject more than once.

    1-4 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • NATSC 430L - Topics in Environmental Science Lab

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Environmental Science Core Concentration
    Advanced-level topics of importance in environmental science, determined by interest of the students in consultation with faculty. This course may be repeated for credit, but students may not study the same subject more than once.

    1-4 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • NATSC 450 - Research in Environmental Sciences

    Prerequisites: None
    Original independent research in the environmental sciences. Project chosen in consultation with a research advisor. May be repeated for credit.

    1-3 credits
    Offered on demand
  • NATSC 451 - Senior Thesis

    Prerequisites: Prior departmental approval of a research proposal, 3.3 GPA, and NATSC 450 
    This course serves as a capstone experience for outstanding students in the major. Working closely with a faculty mentor, students engage in original research on a topic of their choice. The research may involve laboratory experiments, field work, or computer simulations. This course provides experience in designing and conducting experiments, critically analyzing data, reviewing published scientific literature, and communicating scientific information. The culmination of the course is a formal written thesis and a public oral presentation.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • NATSC 469 - Environmental Internship

    Prerequisites: None


  • FILM 101 - Introduction to Film Studies

    Prerequisites: None
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Film Studies minor.
    This course provides an introduction to the development of film forms, styles, and theories providing a basic aesthetic and social understanding of film as both a mode of communication and a means of artistic expression. It explores the interrelationship of visual design, motion, editing, and thematic significance, helping students develop the foundational skills with which to interpret and articulate the myriad ways in which films create meaning, and elicit responses within viewers. The ultimate objective of the course is for students to become acquainted with a variety of film forms/styles, while developing the basic skills necessary to analyze and evaluate the cinematic presentations.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • FILM 200 - Global History of Film

    Prerequisites: FILM 101 - Introduction to Film Studies  or consent of instructor.
    This is a survey course that introduces students to the major developments in global film history. The course examines moments in film history that are particularly relevant to the medium’s development as an aesthetic form, industrial product, and cultural practice. The overall focus of the course is on how a variety of national film industries, movements and styles not only developed separately, but influenced one another, making an array of important contributions to what is quickly becoming a truly “Global” film culture.

    3 credits
  • FILM 270 - Documentary Film

    Prerequisites: FILM 101  or consent of instructor
    Fulfills a course requirement for the Film Studies Minor.
    Documentary Film will examine critical and theoretical approaches to the documentary genre. Through a historical survey of documentary and ethnographic film, this course explores documentary theory, aesthetics, and ethics. Topics include early cinema, World War II propaganda, cinema verité, radical documentary, the essay film, counter-ethnographies, and contemporary mixed forms such as documentary films in journalism, anthropology, biography, historical restoration and personal statement. Students will gain an understanding of cinema theory and its language.

    3 credits
  • FILM 299 - Special Topics in Film Studies

    Prerequisites: FILM 101  or consent of instructor
    Examines topics in Film Studies suitable for first and second year level, initiated by student demand, interest of instructor, or timeliness of offering. The course, but not the topic may be repeated for credit.

    (1-3 credits variable) credits
    Special offering
  • FILM 300 - Film Theory & Criticism

    Prerequisites: FILM 101  or consent of instructor
    In this course, students will analyze how filmmakers use sound and image to tell stories on screen examine various aspects of film practice through theories appropriate for the discipline. This course acquaints students with Film Theory while developing the basic skills necessary to analyze and evaluate cinematic presentations through various theoretical lenses.

    3 credits
    Alternate years
  • FILM 350 - Directors & Style

    Prerequisites: FILM 101  or consent of instructor
    This variable topic course discusses the vision, the style and the body of work of cinema directors within the context of their time, history and culture. The course, but not the topic, may be repeated for credit.

    3 credits
    Alternate years
  • FILM 351 - Film Genres

    Prerequisites: FILM 101  or consent of instructor
    This variable topic course discusses cinema culture, history and style embedded in “genres” such as “film noir,” biography, mystery, etc. The course, but not the topic, may be repeated for credit.

    3 credits
    Alternate years
  • FILM 352 - From Page to Screen

    Prerequisites: FILM 101  or consent of instructor
    This variable topic course discusses the adaptation of written works, including stage productions, to the screen. The course, but not the topic, may be repeated for credit.

    3 credits
    Special offering
  • FILM 353 - Cinema in a Cultural Context

    Prerequisites: FILM 101  or consent of instructor
    This variable topic course discusses the world cinematic experience and film production originating in specific cultures. The course, but not the topic, may be repeated for credit.

    3 credits
    Special offering
  • FILM 400 - Curation and Festival Production

    Prerequisites: FILM 101  or consent of instructor
    This course examines critical and theoretical approaches to Media Curating within the wider realms of cultural practice and exhibitions. The course will provide students with an understanding of the organizations and people who conceive, create and distribute video, film, print, interactive and new technology within the framework of the entertainment promotion landscape while demonstrating how advertising, publicity, promotion, research and overall marketing campaigns are created in the context of a film festival production.

    3 credits
  • FILM 430 - Advanced Topics in Film Studies

    Prerequisites: Fulfills a requirement in the Film Studies minor
    This is a variable topic special offering course that emphasizes film topics not regularly offered by the University. The variety of topics may include, but is not limited to: film history, film criticism, distinguished persons in film, and film in a cultural or literary context. The course, but not the topic, may be repeated for credit.

    1-4 credits
    Special Offering


  • FNCE 301 - Financial Management

    Prerequisites: ACCTG 201 , MATH 141  or equivalent
    Application of financial theory, tools and methods to financial decision-making in the firm.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • FNCE 305 - Risk Management and Insurance

    Prerequisites: None
    Pre- or Co-requisite: FNCE 301   Minimum grade C, T
    Develops an understanding and appreciation of fundamental insurance principles. Topics include a study of risk, risk management, rating and contract elements. Course material concentrates on personal insurance lines, including life and casualty.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 325 - Principles of Investments

    Prerequisites: FNCE 301  passed with a grade of C or higher
    Survey of investment risks and rewards, the operation of the securities business, and an introduction to the problems of qualitative and quantitative analysis and portfolio selection.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 327 - Personal Financial Planning

    Prerequisites: None
    Corequisite: FNCE 301 
    This course focuses on the concepts, tools and applications of retirement and estate planning. Students are introduced to the logic of financial planning for retirement and/or estate purposes. Various financial needs such as retirement income, health and insurance protection, dependent protection projections, etc. are forecast and analyzed. Investment vehicles are utilized to develop a financial plan to meet the forecast needs. Pension contributions, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid implications are examined and incorporated into the planning process.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 330 - Bank Management

    Prerequisites: None
    Corequisite: FNCE 301 
    Study of the financial management of commercial banks and other selected institutions, emphasizing their role in the money and capital markets through funds acquisitions, investments and credit extensions.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 350 - Financial Statement Analysis

    Prerequisites: ACCTG 201 , FNCE 301  and MATH 141 
    This course applies methods of fundamental analysis in a series of class exercises, cases, and assignments involving listed companies. Through the analysis of financial statements, we examine models of shareholder value such as residual earnings, abnormal earnings growth, and discounted cash flow approaches to valuation, among others, and ask which one will give us an edge.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 360 - International Finance

    Prerequisites: FNCE 301  passed with a grade of C or higher
    The course is an introduction to international financial management. It includes an introduction to the economic theories of international trade and an analysis of exchange rate behavior and other factors important to managing multi-country cash flows and financing of multinational corporations. Capital budgeting decisions of the firm in the global environment are examined, as are hedging techniques and financial operations in foreign exchange and multinational markets.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 380 - Principles of Technical Analysis

    Prerequisites: FNCE 325  or consent of instructor
    This course focuses on the study of short-term and long-term decision making in the context of portfolio management using the basic principles of technical analysis. Incorporating the latest financial platforms in the Center for Advanced Financial Education, students will achieve a deep understanding of charting techniques to make better buy/sell decisions in security markets, while applying this knowledge to portfolio and risk analysis.

    3 credits
    Summer, Winter
  • FNCE 401 - Advanced Financial Management

    Prerequisites: FNCE 301  passed with a grade of C or higher
    The advanced application of financial theory, tools and methods to financial decision-making in the firm. This course examines financial theories and concepts in practical situations to develop analytical skills and judgment ability in solving financial problems of business firms in both domestic and international settings.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 415 - Fixed Income Securities

    Prerequisites: FNCE 325  or consent of instructor
    This course focuses on fixed income securities which include bonds that promise a fixed income stream and by extension all securities whose valuation and hedging are related to interest rates. The topics that will be discussed include bond pricing, interest rate risk and duration, credit risk (credit default swaps and the recent financial crisis), term structure, bond price volatility, and the repo market.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 426 - Options, Futures and Other Derivatives

    Prerequisites: FNCE 301  passed with a grade of C or higher
    This course focuses on the use of options, futures and other derivatives as investment vehicles. The nature of derivative instruments such as stock options, interest rate options, futures contracts and futures options and swaps, as hedge and/or investment vehicles are examined.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 429 - Community Partnerships Center Finance Studies

    Prerequisites: None
    This course involves a project selected by the Community Partnerships Center and the Business School Dean as a Finance project. The students will work with a professor and possibly students from other disciplines to fulfill a task requested by a regional company, organization, or governmental unit. Specific project details vary and will be announced prior to preregistration for each semester.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 430 - Special Topics in Finance

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
    Selected topics in advanced course work or research in finance.

    3 credits
    Special Offering
  • FNCE 440 - Financial Modeling

    Prerequisites: FNCE 301 , FNCE 325 
    Financial Modeling is an introduction to implementing common financial models. Basic and advanced models in the areas of corporate finance, portfolio management, options, and bonds are investigated. The course emphasizes the use and application of the various financial models as well as developing the skills needed to use the models effectively.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 450 - Portfolio Analysis

    Prerequisites: FNCE 325 
    Detailed study of advanced investment topics using tools and software available in the Center for Advanced Financial Education (CAFÉ) in the Gabelli School.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • FNCE 469 - Finance Coop

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
    Students will be placed in credit-bearing internships, in finance environments in which they will utilize their knowledge of financial markets and instruments. Examples of placements might include: banks, mutual fund companies, investment houses, insurance companies, or social service agencies.

    By arrangement.
  • FNCE 550 - Corporate Finance

    Prerequisites: None
    This course is designed to provide an overview of the corporate financial decision-making process as well as the general financial markets, institutions, and instruments. The course introduces students to the theory and techniques of financial analysis with application to real world problems and situations. Topics include risk and return, asset pricing, capital budgeting and corporate investment decisions, debt and equity financing, capital structure, dividend policy, and corporate merger.

    3 credits
  • FNCE 560 - Financial Markets and Institutions

    Prerequisites: None
    Financial Markets and Institutions at the graduate level is an introduction to the various financial markets that are available to businesses. The course also explores the financial institutions industry, including but not limited to commercial banks, insurance companies, investment banks, mutual funds, pension funds, and hedge funds. Problems will be presented as case-studies and business projects to ensure an understanding of the material presented and connections to real-world applications.

    3 credits

Forensic Science

  • FSI 430 - Special Topics in Forensic Science

    Prerequisites: Forensic Science major or consent of instructor
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Forensic Science major
    A study of special topics in forensic science. Topics will be determined by trends and areas of significance in the field. This is a variable content course and may be repeated for credit, but student’s may study a single topic only once.

    3-4 credits
    Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II


  • FREN 101 - Elementary French I

    Prerequisites: Not open to native speakers of the language studied
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    The first of a two-course sequence in the elements of a language and its culture. Proficiency-based instruction in fundamental discursive patterns, vocabulary, and syntax of the language within a cultural context. Emphasizes listening, speaking, reading and writing. Establishes the foundation for further facility in the language studied. Uses audio and video components.

    3 credits
  • FREN 102 - Elementary French II

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Elementary Language I course Not open to native speakers of the language studied
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    Continuation of Elementary Language I, emphasizing proficiency-based instruction in authentic cultural contexts.

    3 credits
  • FREN 201 - Intermediate French I

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Elementary Language II course Not open to native speakers of the language studied
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    The first course of a two-course sequence which extends fundamental skills developed in the elementary courses. Proficiency-based instruction. Emphasis is placed upon skills leading to fluency and integration of language and culture through more extensive reading, writing, and Internet assignments; greater depth and range of linguistic skills through grammar review and conversational practice.

    3 credits
  • FREN 202 - Intermediate French II

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Intermediate Language I course Not open to native speakers of the language studied
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    Continuation of Intermediate Language I. Students are expected to achieve a functional level of fluency. Activities for the course include extensive Internet use for class discussion of world events and extended use of the Language Lab.

    3 credits
  • FREN 210 - Actors, Authors and Audiences

    Prerequisites: None
    Fulfills a course requirement in the minor of Modern Language
    A variable topics course designed to introduce students to the dramatic and cinematic productions of a specific nation, culture or language group. Through close examination of the material proposed for the topic, students gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of how the targeted culture perceives itself and how others perceive it. The topic covered each semester is listed in the Course Bulletin. This course may be repeated for credit, but students must study a different topic each time this course is offered. This course is taught in English.

    3 credits
    Offered on demand
  • FREN 220 - Perspectives on Culture: The French

    Prerequisites: None
    Note: This course is taught in English
    This variable content course is designed to introduce students to the history and culture of a nation. In a survey style course format, students will gain a deeper understanding of the most significant literary, historical, and cultural aspects of the targeted nation and may use this information to assist in language acquisition.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • FREN 310 - Advanced Grammar and Composition

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Intermediate II language course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Major, Minor and Core Concentration
    Intensive practice and review in advanced grammatical structures, written composition, and the mastery of style. This course forms a basis for advanced competence of grammatical structures in the student’s target language and is intended to serve as a foundation for advanced study.

    3 credits
  • FREN 311 - Advanced Conversation

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Intermediate II language course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Major, Minor and Core Concentration
    Advanced Conversation is designed to help students refine conversational skills for group discussion, dialogue, and individual oral presentations on current topics pertaining to everyday life, professions, politics, social/economic conditions, and the arts.

    3 credits
  • FREN 338 - French Literary Tradition I

    Prerequisites: Successful completion (C-or higher) of Intermediate II Course in the same language or placement by examination
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    Literary Tradition I provides a chronological survey of literature in the respective language from around 800 AD to 1750 AD. The most significant works of literature, ranging from early writings in medieval epics to lyrical poetry, early novels, and dramas will be introduced and discussed. Emphasis is placed on the tools of analysis specific to literary studies and criticism in modern language study. Reading, discussing and writing about significant texts affords understanding of literature and reinforcement of advanced language skills.

    3 credits
  • FREN 339 - French Literary Tradition II

    Prerequisites: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Intermediate II course in the same language or placement by examination
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    Literary Tradition II provides a chronological survey of literature in the respective language from around 1750 AD to the present. The most significant works of literature, ranging from drama to the short story and the novel, especially in the nineteenth century, will be introduced and discussed. Emphasis is placed on the tools of analysis specific to literary studies and criticism in modern language study. Reading, discussing, and writing about significant texts affords understanding of literature and reinforcement of advanced language skills.

    3 credits
  • FREN 340 - Advanced Literary Topics

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Intermediate II language course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Major, Minor, and Core Concentration
    This variable content course is designed to introduce students to literary masterpieces, trends, and movements of the targeted language by reading and studying the author or genre proposed for the course. All lectures and materials are in the targeted language and students are expected to be proficient speakers and writers of the targeted language.

    3 credits
    Offered on demand.
  • FREN 342 - 19th Century French Fiction

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of FREN 202 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the modern language major, minor and core Concentration
    Note: This course is taught in French.
    19th Century French Fiction focuses on a rich period for the French novel (and short stories), and allows students extensive exposure to works that have shaped modern writing. The emphasis is on great figures such as Hugo, Zola, Balzac, and Nerval, along with important schools and movements: Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism. Students will learn to appreciate the influence of these movements outside of France, and will also become familiar with some social and intellectual background within France: the Revolution, progressivism, positivism. The objective is to improve students’ French skills by very extensive work with prose.

    3 credits
  • FREN 343 - Francophone Literature

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of FREN 202 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the modern language major, minor and core Concentration
    This course will focus on the 20th century, across all genres: novel, drama, short stories, poetry, songs. The course books include vocabulary and grammar review, and introduce some lesser-known writers from Canada, Louisiana, Africa, the Caribbean, the South Pacific and elsewhere. The course explores post-colonial themes, and students will learn to imagine French (the language) and francophonié (the language and aspects of culture) as useful commodities outside of France and around the world. This course is taught in French.

    3 credits
  • FREN 350 - Advanced Topics

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Intermediate II language course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Major, Minor and Core Concentration
    Advanced Topics is a variable content course designed to explore areas of language study outside of the scope of literature. Topics include linguistics, European literary criticism, and business. Unless otherwise noted, this course is taught in the target language, and a high level of proficiency is expected. The topic covered each semester is listed in the Course Bulletin. This course may be repeated for credit, but students must study a different topic each time this course is offered.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring

Gender and Sexuality

  • GSS 100 - Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies

    Prerequisites: None
    This course fulfills a requirement for the Gender and Sexuality Studies minor
    Introduction to the social, cultural, and imaginative processes through which people are categorized in terms of sex and gender, and how this categorization shapes individual experiences of the world (including structures of power, privilege, and oppression). Examines theoretical models for analyzing gender, as well as the experiences, historical conditions, and intersections of gender and sexuality with social factors of diversity (race, class, nation, religion).

    3 credits
  • GSS 420 - Gender & Sexuality Studies Seminar

    Prerequisites: GSS 100  and Junior standing
    Fulfills a requirement for the Minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies
    In this course, students will read and discuss models for interdisciplinary scholarship in the field of gender and sexuality studies while researching and completing their own projects. Final projects should demonstrate the breadth of approaches introduced in the Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies.

    3 credits
  • GSS 430 - Special Topics in Gender and Sexuality Studies

    Prerequisites: GSS 100  or consent of instructor
    Special Topics in Gender & Sexuality Studies is an upper-level interdisciplinary course designed to engage students in the study of thematic or issue-based topics related to the study of gender and/or sexuality. This is a variable content course and may be repeated for credit, but students may study a single topic only once.

    3 credits
    Special Offering


  • GER 101 - Elementary German I

    Prerequisites: Not open to native speakers of the language studied
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    The first of a two-course sequence in the elements of a language and its culture. Proficiency-based instruction in fundamental discursive patterns, vocabulary, and syntax of the language within a cultural context. Emphasizes listening, speaking, reading and writing. Establishes the foundation for further facility in the language studied. Uses audio and video components.

    3 credits
  • GER 102 - Elementary German II

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Elementary Language I course Not open to native speakers of the language studied
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    Continuation of Elementary Language I, emphasizing proficiency-based instruction in authentic cultural contexts.

    3 credits
  • GER 201 - Intermediate German I

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Elementary Language II course Not open to native speakers of the language studied
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    The first course of a two-course sequence which extends fundamental skills developed in the elementary courses. Proficiency-based instruction. Emphasis is placed upon skills leading to fluency and integration of language and culture through more extensive reading, writing, and Internet assignments; greater depth and range of linguistic skills through grammar review and conversational practice.

    3 credits
  • GER 202 - Intermediate German II

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Intermediate Language I course Not open to native speakers of the language studied
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    Continuation of Intermediate Language I. Students are expected to achieve a functional level of fluency. Activities for the course include extensive Internet use for class discussion of world events and extended use of the Language Lab.

    3 credits
  • GER 210 - Actors, Authors and Audiences

    Prerequisites: None
    Fulfills a course requirement in the minor of Modern Language
    Note: This course is taught in English.
    A variable topics course designed to introduce students to the dramatic and cinematic productions of a specific nation, culture or language group. Through close examination of the material proposed for the topic, students gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of how the targeted culture perceives itself and how others perceive it. The topic covered each semester is listed in the Course Bulletin. This course may be repeated for credit, but students must study a different topic each time this course is offered.

    3 credits
    Offered on demand
  • GER 220 - Perspectives on Culture: The Germans

    Prerequisites: None
    Note: This course is taught in English
    This variable content course is designed to introduce students to the history and culture of a nation. In a survey style course format, students will gain a deeper understanding of the most significant literary, historical, and cultural aspects of the targeted nation and may use this information to assist in language acquisition.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • GER 310 - Advanced Grammar and Composition

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Intermediate II language course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Major, Minor and Core Concentration
    Intensive practice and review in advanced grammatical structures, written composition, and the mastery of style. This course forms a basis for advanced competence of grammatical structures in the student’s target language and is intended to serve as a foundation for advanced study.

    3 credits
  • GER 311 - Advanced Conversation

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Intermediate II language course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Major, Minor and Core Concentration
    Advanced Conversation is designed to help students refine conversational skills for group discussion, dialogue, and individual oral presentations on current topics pertaining to everyday life, professions, politics, social/economic conditions, and the arts.

    3 credits
  • GER 338 - German Literary Tradition I

    Prerequisites: Successful completion (C-or higher) of Intermediate II Course in the same language or placement by examination
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    Literary Tradition I provides a chronological survey of literature in the respective language from around 800 AD to 1750 AD. The most significant works of literature, ranging from early writings in medieval epics to lyrical poetry, early novels, and dramas will be introduced and discussed. Emphasis is placed on the tools of analysis specific to literary studies and criticism in modern language study. Reading, discussing and writing about significant texts affords understanding of literature and reinforcement of advanced language skills.

    3 credits
  • GER 339 - German Literary Tradition II

    Prerequisites: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Intermediate II course in the same language or placement by examination
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Core Concentration
    Literary Tradition II provides a chronological survey of literature in the respective language from around 1750 AD to the present. The most significant works of literature, ranging from drama to the short story and the novel, especially in the nineteenth century, will be introduced and discussed. Emphasis is placed on the tools of analysis specific to literary studies and criticism in modern language study. Reading, discussing, and writing about significant texts affords understanding of literature and reinforcement of advanced language skills.

    3 credits
  • GER 340 - Advanced Literary Topics

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Intermediate II language course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Major, Minor, and Core Concentration
    This variable content course is designed to introduce students to literary masterpieces, trends, and movements of the targeted language by reading and studying the author or genre proposed for the course. All lectures and materials are in the targeted language and students are expected to be proficient speakers and writers of the targeted language.

    3 credits
    Offered on demand
  • GER 350 - Advanced Topics

    Prerequisites: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- or higher) of the appropriate Intermediate II language course
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Modern Language Major, Minor and Core Concentration
    Advanced Topics is a variable content course designed to explore areas of language study outside of the scope of literature. Topics include linguistics, European literary criticism, and business. Unless otherwise noted, this course is taught in the target language, and a high level of proficiency is expected. The topic covered each semester is listed in the Course Bulletin. This course may be repeated for credit, but students must study a different topic each time this course is offered.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring

Graphic Design

  • DSGN 100 - Introduction to Design Communication

    Prerequisites: None
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Graphic Design Core Concentration
    Introduces students to fundamental design process and problem-solving skills through the use of graphic design principles & elements. Exposure to both the intellectual and technical challenges of graphic design communication results in a series of introductory level visual solutions. In conjunction with design problems, students are exposed to information about the current design industry including related design technology. Upon completion, all projects are developed to industry standard presentation level with an emphasis on basic craftsmanship skills.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • DSGN 110 - Introduction to Typography

    Prerequisites: DSGN 100 ; or consent of instructor
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Graphic Design Core Concentration
    The study of typographic form builds on the principles established in DSGN 100 and expands into the study of letterform anatomy and structure, type classification, and fundamentals of application in various contexts. The intellectual and psychological impact of typographic composition when presented alone or in combination with image is explored. Historical forces that motivated advances in typographic imaging are discussed. All projects are developed to industry standard presentation level with an emphasis on basic craftsmanship skills.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • DSGN 200 - History of Design Communication

    Prerequisites: DSGN 100 ; or consent of instructor
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Graphic Design Core Concentration
    In this course students examine the development of graphic design communication and its relationship to the larger social, economic, political and cultural contexts through the course of human development. Although emphasis is placed on the rapid development of the discipline from the industrial revolution through the end of the twentieth-century, a broader historical analysis is necessary to provide a strong foundational context in trends and trendsetters, innovations and innovators. Course requirements include an intensive series of reading and writing assignments.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • DSGN 210 - Advanced Design Communication

    Prerequisites: DSGN 100  and DSGN 110 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Graphic Design Core Concentration
    Building upon fundamental skills acquired in foundational graphic design courses, this course introduces complex problem-solving scenarios and brainstorming methods for discovering innovative design visual solutions. Assigned projects are advanced in complexity and purpose, diverse in nature and will have at least one assignment with interrelated components requiring the student to broaden the application of visual information across multiple pieces. Advanced technology skills are applied to visual presentations.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • DSGN 220 - Advanced Typography

    Prerequisites: This course is an elective for the design major DSGN 100 , DSGN 110 , DSGN 210  (or co-req with DSGN 210 )
    Building on design and type foundations, this course expands the student’s affinity for the typographic form in an intensive study culminating in creation of portfolio-quality pieces. Emphasis is on the visual expression of meaning and innovative problem-solving. The use of typographic form is explored as image and combined with image. Formal applications of the grid and breaking the grid are created integrating critical historical type analysis, research, and writing.

    3 credits
    Fall, Alternate Years
  • DSGN 300 - Web Design Communication

    Prerequisites: DSGN 100 , DSGN 110 , DSGN 210 
    Fulfills a course requirement in the Graphic Design Core Concentration
    Building upon skills acquired in the pre-requisites, this course requires students to translate problem-solving design skills to the user interface of websites. Current industry standard technology is used to explore assignments emphasizing image and type in the visual design, site-planning, and usability. Demonstrations and lectures on multi-media and web design are presented. Final comprehensive visual solutions that include in-depth content and structure are created for use on the internet and subsequently for use in student digital portfolio.

    3 credits
    Fall, Spring

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