Feb 19, 2025  
2020-2021 University Catalog 
2020-2021 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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NATSC 232 - Scientific Research Diving

Prerequisites: Basic Open Water Diving Certification
Note: This certification can be obtained at any dive shop (e.g. East Bay Dive Center) or through courses offered by the Roger Williams Scuba club. Students can register during normal registration in the Spring and the requisite just needs to be met before class begins in the Fall.

Dive Accident Insurance - suggest DAN Insurance

AAUS scientific diving medical examination/physical - The form to fulfill this requirement will be supplied to
the students upon registration and they just need to bring it to their primary care doctor or an urgent care
center to have it filled out and signed. Students can register during normal registration in the Spring and the
requisite just needs to be met before class begins in the Fall.
The research diving course is a field-based course that gives students the training and knowledge for conducting research underwater. The course will cover popular methodologies used underwater as well as advanced training techniques. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have acquired the scientific diving qualification to 30 feet per the American Academy of Underwater Sciences standards.


4 credits

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