Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 University Catalog 
2024-2025 University Catalog

Special Academic Programs

Academic Honor Societies

Alpha Chi

Roger Williams University sponsors the Rhode Island Alpha Chapter of the Alpha Chi Scholarship-Leadership Honorary Society. Membership is by invitation to outstanding students who rank in the top five-percent of the junior and senior classes.

Alpha Phi Sigma

Alpha Phi Sigma is the only National Justice Honor Society for Criminal Justice Majors. The society recognizes academic excellence of undergraduate, graduate students of criminal justice, as well as Juris doctorate.

Alpha Sigma Lambda

Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society was founded in 1945-46 to recognize adult students in continuing higher education who achieve academic excellence while managing responsibilities to family, work and community. Inductees of Roger Williams University’s chapter, Rho Alpha, must be matriculated and have a minimum of twenty-four graded semester hours in an undergraduate degree program at Roger Williams University. Members shall be selected only from the highest ten percent of their class and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.2.

Beta Beta Beta

Beta Beta Beta is a national honor society in the biological sciences. The Theta Gamma Chapter was established at Roger Williams University in 2003. The society emphasizes stimulation of scholarship, dissemination of scientific knowledge, and promotion of biological research. Membership is by invitation to upper-level biology and marine biology majors who have maintained at least a 3.3 GPA in their biology courses.

Beta Gamma Sigma

Beta Gamma Sigma is the honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a business program accredited by AACSB International. Juniors and Seniors in the top 10% of their respective classes are invited to join.

Eta Sigma Phi

Eta Sigma Phi is the national honorary collegiate society for students of Latin and/or Greek. Established in 1914, the purposes of the Society are to develop and promote interest in classical study among the students of colleges and universities; to promote closer fraternal relationship among students who are interested in classical study; to engage generally in an effort to stimulate interest in classical study, and in the history, art, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. To be eligible, students must complete at least six credits in Latin, Greek or Classics related field.

Lambda Epsilon Chi

Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX) is the national honor society in paralegal studies. LEX recognizes students who have demonstrated superior academic performance in an established, qualified program of paralegal studies. Roger Williams University qualifies as a member in good standing of the American Association for Paralegal Education (AAPE).

Phi Alpha Theta

Phi Alpha Theta, the professional History Honor Society, promotes the study of history through research, good teaching, publication, and exchange of learning and thought. It brings together, both intellectually and socially, students, teachers, and writers of history. To be eligible for membership, students must complete at least 12 credits in history, must possess the requisite GPA, and must rank in the top third of the class.

Phi Beta Delta

Phi Beta Delta is the premier honor society dedicated to scholarly achievement in international education, founded in 1987. Phi Beta Delta honors those who serve internationalism-the idea of an interconnected world, of respect for different traditions, of the need for education to enhance one’s knowledge and understanding of the many regions and cultures around the globe. The Epsilon Rho
chapter was established at Roger Williams University in 2007. Membership is open to students, faculty and staff with high academic achievement and a demonstrated interest or involvement in international or intercultural affairs. Specific criteria are stated in the applications for membership, which are due by the first day of October.

Phi Delta Kappa

Phi Delta Kappa is an international association for professional educators. The organization’s mission is “to promote quality education with particular emphasis on publicity supported education, as essential to the development and maintenance of a democratic way of life.” Membership includes students who are enrolled in or who have successfully completed student teaching, graduate students in a program leading to teacher certification, and teachers matriculating in other graduate education programs. Roger Williams University is in the process of petitioning to become a chapter.

Pi Sigma Alpha

The Pi Lambda chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society, was established at Roger Williams in 1997. Founded in 1920, the purpose of Pi Sigma Alpha is to promote interest and scholarship in the subjects of politics, government and international relations by providing recognition and support to students who have excelled in the field. Membership is open to juniors
and seniors who have completed at least four courses in political science, maintained at least a B average in those courses, and have an overall GPA which places them in the top third of their class. The national organization offers opportunities for scholarships, grants, and awards for academic achievement, and the local chapter sponsors co-curricular activities, which provide a forum for research
and the exchange of ideas in the discipline.

Psi Chi

Membership to the Roger Williams University Chapter of Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology, is open to psychology majors and minors who have completed at least 12 credits in psychology, and have maintained a 3.5 GPA in psychology, as well as an overall GPA of 3.3. Established in 1978, Psi Chi encourages and stimulates students to achieve and maintain excellence in scholarship and in the science of psychology.

Sigma Delta Pi

Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, was established on November 14, 1919, at the University of California in Berkeley. Sigma Delta Pi is the only honor society devoted exclusively to advance students of Spanish in four-year colleges and universities. The society honors those who seek and attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature of the Spanish-speaking peoples and encourages college and university students to a deeper understandingof Hispanic culture.

Sigma Iota Rho

The Epsilon Mu chapter of Sigma Iota Rho, the international honor society for international relations, was established in 2008 to promote and reward scholarship and service among students and practitioners. The motto of Sigma Iota Rho is “Synesi, Ideodoi, Rhomi” meaning “Prudence, Ideals, and Power” three of the key elementsof international affairs. The chapter motto is Episteme Mundi meaning “Knowledge [of the] World.” Juniors who meet the standards of a 3.2 cumulative GPA and a 3.4 GPA in International Relations are eligible for membership. Membership in Sigma Iota Rho is intended not only to enhance the credentials of its members, though public recognition of the best and the brightest students in international relations, but is meant to encourage a lifelong devotion to a better understanding of the world we live in and to continuing support for and engagement in education, service, and occupational activities that reflect the highest standards of practice in international
affairs. The chapter sponsors co-curricular activities and the National Organization sponsors a journal and other activities for students and practitioners.

Sigma Lambda Chi

Sigma Lambda Chi, the international construction honor society, provides recognition to outstanding students in the Construction Management major for their academic accomplishments. Membership is by invitation to majors who possess the requisite grade point average.

Sigma Tau Delta

Sigma Tau Delta, the international English Honor Society, confers distinction for high achievement in English literature and language, promotes interest in literature and language on campus and in the surrounding communities, and fosters the discipline of English in all its aspects, including creative and critical writing. The Alpha Alpha Nu chapter, established at Roger Williams University in 1990,
invites English majors and minors who are in the top third of their class, who complete three semesters of course work, including three English courses, and who maintain a high GPA.

Tau Sigma Delta

The Beta Tau chapter of the Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society in Architecture, established on campus in 1989, is a national collegiate honor society for accredited programs in architecture, landscape architecture, and the allied arts, whose prime objective is to celebrate excellence in scholarship, to stimulate achievement, and to reward students who attain high scholastic standards. Its motto, “Technitai Sophoikai Dexioti” means “Craftsmen, skilled and trained.” Membership is open to students who complete five semesters of the program in architecture or landscape architecture, who maintain a B average, and who are in the top fifth of their class.

The Three-Plus-Three Program

Outstanding students who qualify for this special program may be able to complete all requirements for a baccalaureate degree and the Juris Doctor degree in six years.

Full-time students who matriculate at the University in their freshman year and who maintain superior academic records with outstanding academic averages and superior scores on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) may apply to the School of Law at the end of their junior year, substituting the first year of work in the School of Law for up to 30 credits of free electives for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Students who apply must meet the following conditions:

  • A student must have earned at least 90 credits in three years of study at Roger Williams University before beginning at the School of Law.
  • All Core Curriculum requirements and major requirements must be met within those 90 credits.
  • The student’s cumulative grade-point average must be at least 3.0 with no grade lower than a C (2.0).
  • The student must achieve an LSAT score that is at or above the School of Law’s median accepted score for the previous year.

In completing the first year of work in the School of Law, a student in the Three-Plus-Three program must pass all law courses with a grade-point average of at least 2.0. It is mandatory that all non-law academic work toward the combination degree be completed before any work in law is undertaken.

Those interested in pursuing the Three-Plus-Three Program must contact the Dean of Admissions at the School of Law and either the Dean of the School of Justice Studies or the Dean of the Feinstein College of Arts and Sciences, no later than the end of the freshman year. This program is not
available to transfer students.

Those interested in pursuing the Three-Plus-Three Business Law Program must contact the Dean of the Mario J. Gabelli School of Business no later than the end of the freshman year. This program is not available to transfer students. Details of the Three-Plus-Three Business Law Program are found with the School of Business majors in this catalog.

Three-Plus-Four in Biology-PharmD and Chemistry-PharmD Dual Degree Programs

Roger Williams University has partnered with Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS Vermont Campus) to provide a dual Chemistry or Biology-PharmD degree program. Chemistry fulfills a significant role for students in health science programs, the Department of Chemistry and Physics administers the university’s prepharmacy
program through its introductory and advanced courses in chemistry and physics. Outstanding students who qualify for this special program may be able to complete all requirements for a baccalaureate degree in Chemistry (B.S. or B.A.) or Biochemistry (B.S.) or Biology (B.S. or B.A.) and the Doctor of Pharmacy degree in seven years, as opposed to the traditional eight-year period of study.
Students who matriculate at ACPHS must meet the following conditions:

  • A student must have earned at least 90 credits in three years of study at Roger Williams University before beginning at the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (Vermont campus).
  • A student must successfully complete the required Pre-pharmacy courses at Roger Williams University, as specified in this catalog.
  • All Core Curriculum requirements and pre-pharmacy course requirements must be met within those 90 credits.
  • The student’s cumulative grade-point average must be at least 3.0. No grade lower than a C (2.0) will count toward the 90 credits.
  • The student must meet or exceed Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (Vermont campus) PCAT entry requirements.
  • The student must successfully interview, submit a required background check and complete a writing assessment as determined by the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (Vermont campus).

Those interested in pursuing the Three-Plus-Four Chemistry or Biology-PharmD Dual Degree Program must show intent on their RWU college application. The potential candidates’ information will then be forwarded and vetted by the admissions office of ACPHS for acceptance into the dual degree program. Acceptance into the program is based on SAT, class rank, GPA for ACPHS course requirements and NYS regents scores if available. More details can be found in ACPHS Catalog. Once accepted into the Three-Plus-Four Chemistry or Biology-PharmD Dual Degree Program you must contact the Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Physics at the beginning of your freshman fall semester for correct advisement. Further details of the Three-Plus-Four for Chemistry or Biology-PharmD Dual Degree Program are found with the Chemistry and Biology majors’ description in this catalog. This program is not available to transfer students.

Internships and Practicums

The Internship and Practicum Programs are managed by the Center for Career & Professional Development (CCPD) and provide students the opportunity to work within and outside the University. Directed by an external supervisor and faculty sponsor, internships are oriented toward specific career and professional development goals and must be academically significant. To enroll and earn academic credit, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Completion of freshman year (transfer students must complete one semester at RWU)
  • 2.0 GPA or higher
  • Students must be in “Good Standing” with the University
  • Free elective remaining in academic program when applicable
  • Completion of the mandatory Career Planning Seminar offered through the CCPD 
  • Assignments must be of sufficient duration, typically 135 hours, and must be considered a meaningful part of the academic program in which the student is enrolled. 

An internship/practicum experience is required by the following majors/minors: Accounting, Arts Management (minor), Creative Writing, Communication and Media Studies (internship or thesis), Cybersecurity & Networking, Educational Studies (not coordinated through the CCPD), Graphic Design, International Business, Journalism, Legal Studies, Legal Studies & Law (3 + 3), Management, Security Assurance Studies, Psychology, Public Health, Public Relations, Visual Arts and Web Development.

The Center for Career & Professional Development supports all students who wish to participate in an internship, required or not. For additional information, visit ccpd.rwu.edu.